Oh, It's You

My Novel: So, you want to talk now? It's been how long?

Me: In my defense, our conversations have been sparse because I've been working so hard on you.

Novel: Yeah, yeah. Whatever. What do you want now?

Me: I wanted to know how you're feeling. The daft is finished, so it seemed like a good time to ask.

Novel: What does it matter that the draft is finished, Andy? We both know you're just going to leap into rewriting me.

Me: No. I'm taking the next fortnight to focus on getting the garage clear of boxes so cars can park in it again.

Novel: No, you're not.

Me: Okay, fine. I'm not. But how are you feeling? Because I think these revisions aren't going to be another complete rewrite.

Novel: Sure they won't. Excuse me, but I have a dating sim to play.

Me: Oh. Okay. See you at work tomorrow?

Novel: I doubt I'll be able to avoid it.
