Chapter 21 feels bad, but Act II is happy to conclude itself
21: I feel like a failure because I wasn't mean enough. 19 says I need to start myself all over.
Me: Chapter 19 is sadistic. You nurtured a lot of doubts and fears. That's better than just making everyone miserable. It means the characters haven't given up like they might have if you didn't also give them hope, but they are seeing not achieving their happy ending as a serious possibility.
21: You think so?
Me: Absolutely. You did everything the outline asked you to and ended the act with a solid lead-in to the next one.
Act II: Hold on! Sorry to interupt, but did you just say I'm done?
Me: For now. I already have revision notes. But we're moving on to Act III now.
Act II: Oh. Yeah, I guess I did finish everything on the boards for me. Huh. What do I do now?
Me: I don't know. Go sit in the hot tub or something. That's what I'm about to do.