Are you there, Andy? It's me, Act II

Act II: Um... You doing alright, Andy?

Me: Yeah. A little under medicated with the Adderall shortage, but hanging in there. Why do you ask?

Act II: Well, you haven't checked in with me in a while. And several chapters say you didn't do exit interviews.

Me: Oh! Right!
(Checks notes)

Me: 9, You have no content. We'll get to you in revisions.

10: Huh? I don't exist?

Me: Not you, sorry. I meant the new Chapter 9. You're 10 now.

10: Okay?

Me: 11, You took longer than I thought you would. That shouldn't have taken a whole chapter, but I guess it did.

11: Sorry?

Me: It's alright. You're pretty solid. Now, 12... Well, that ending was certainly ominous. Well played.

12: Thanks. I was trying.

Me: 13, your first scene is SO creepy! I love it. And your ending! Powerful stuff, 13.

13: Creepy is exactly what I was going for!

Me: 14, nice fallout from 13. And that pizza... Sounds truly awful. Nicely done.

14: Trying to make pizza sound gross was a challenge, for sure.

Me: 15, I like the exploration of Maggie's anxiety and her confusion about her own feelings. And you end with a nice lead for 16.

15: (nods silently)

Me: And as for you, 16.... Um, I don't have anything in the notes about you.

16: You haven't finished me yet.

Me: Oh. That explains that. Let's see about finishing you today.

16: Sounds good.

Me: So I think we're all caught up now, Act II. Would you agree?

Act II: Yes. But you really should eat lunch. It's already 2.

Me: But didn't I just do that?

Act II: that was yesterday.

Me: (sighs and grabs the peanut butter)
