Plot Points Assemble!
Me: Hiya, plot beats! Find your name tags. We'll deal with seating arrangements later.
Plot Beat 19: There's rather a lot of us...
Me: Yeah, well you're a triad romance, so there's going to be more of you than there would be in a monogamous story.
PB26: Wait, which arc am I?
Me: You're from the cooking competition arc, but you'll be working closely with the AC romantic arc.
PB4: But I'm in AB. I thought THAT was the romantic arc.
Me: What part of polyamorous is confusing you?
So, yeah... I'm backtracking to make a new outline for the novel. I have assembled 49 plot points across seven arcs. Some of them happen before the book starts. A lot of them will be sharing scenes with other beats. It seems like a lot, but there are four romantic arcs (AB, AC, BC, ABC) and that only leaves one arc per character on their own. And there IS a lot of overlap between them all.
Anyway, it looks a little messy right now but I'm optimistic it'll make more sense once I assign scenes to things. Not sure when that'll happen because my personal life is crap right now, but hopefully it won't be for much longer and I'll be able to get some serious work done.